"Philip K. Deck" like that, nice way to avoid vulgarity
most seriously, only fiction i'm interested in is something I mentioned to you in your thread much before i.e. world wars and German thematics in fantastical steampunk (and similar art styles) settings, would be great efile and campaigns. So Germans would look like that on poster I made, for example. Walking machines, unusual tanks and all sort of technology. Surprised that solid turn based game was never made in such manner, great potential. but regarding OG we know well it is not gonna happen and I'm not icon maker, made only few but this needs dedication i don't have, so mentioned as fun moment... on poster added "Reich girl" for fun
(they can send them to Africa, soldiers not girls i mean....)
that's it, personal fantasy interest, like the settings though more fantasy than fictional thing... since you mentioned and being from only (so far) country in Europe ever in conflict (unparalel and small, but only) with NATO and having all sorts of historical events (Germans were in conflict with NATO before it was made)) - of course i had various ideas through years of making some fictional campaigns and addons with own national empire
Had various premisses and themes incorporated - based on facts that one "mad scientist" was our man (Tesla) and we had few other capable minds ; - how suddenly they all live in enlarged Serb kingdom and make some super weapons and military enlargement is planned... it happens during decades starting from late XIX c. Then there are various units, regular army, Chetniks with special command and armament department, bit of misticism after (in 1920s) Dušan's body is found and it creates some field of armor and in Timur's grave special example of legendary "black armor" is found, impenetrable and kept because it was only soldiers who ever hurt his troops, Scythish legacies etc. etc. it is war through decades, enlargement and arms race constant, country getting bigger and final frontier Tokio. you got idea, though sounds funny, but special weapons included. I will surely not make such campaign, made some mods for other games on thematics, but anyone is free to work on my idea on solid turn based system
(as i say to younger generations, be it fantasy, myth, medieval or modern history, you have enough material and ideas to make game, film or book you just lack mental initiative and courage and knowledge... and IQ))
have fun whatever you make, i added my post more for colorfulness and fun, but seriously in high fiction settings. Not realistic, both of them and safe to say never gonna happen. As said you are prime active OG moder in this time so i shared it... as Duke Falcon's works showed OG has a lot of space for various mods, fiction, fantasy or alternate history, but i'm not on that level and honestly can make just few things per years. Trully and without joke fun to those who will potentially make some great powers fictional camps - regarding post steampunk is fun as for my second paragraph story, nice thinking isn't it and would be refreshing game
(but i prefer my Warhammer for tough looking mf-ers) have fun Randowe, didn't joke with you again and worked outside of OG on such subjects for fun... as non-historical fiction unlike your question which was about historical fiction. most important is that there will still be players for you around, hope.