??? Promotion Ceremony 2020 ???
Posted: 2020-08-22 09:26, Saturday
Hello everyone
It has been a while seen the latest public promotion ceremony. If i remember correctly, it was held at JP's in january 2018!
So after more than 2 and a half years, i think the time has come to appreciate the service of some members of the forum.
Of course i have not the rights to promote anyone, but i would like to nominee some of our members.
If nothing further happens, than this will be just my way of saying "thank you for your service"
kowdar - for the conversion of a truckload of PeG campaigns to OG. For the maintainance of opengeneral.pl.
Duke Falcon - for the creation of his OG fantasy universe which contains efiles, campaigns, icons and maps.
Waldzios - for his work on the Gustlik Efiles.
Parabellum - for is continuous efforts on the battlefields of many CCs and his liason duties at raiders forum.
sympatyk - for making more than 100 maps as well as around 20 XXL maps. And for his liason duties with opengeneral.pl.
Urica - for making more than 110 maps and the creation of many high quality campaigns for the KAISER Efile.
Puma - for his work on his Basekorp efile and campaigns.
Major Heinz will be given the (unofficial and not existing in this forum ) status as a officer cadet (estonian: Kadet) for designing two OG campaigns and his efforts on the battlefields of his Open General Youtube Let's Plays. We will follow his future career with goodwill
It has been a while seen the latest public promotion ceremony. If i remember correctly, it was held at JP's in january 2018!
So after more than 2 and a half years, i think the time has come to appreciate the service of some members of the forum.
Of course i have not the rights to promote anyone, but i would like to nominee some of our members.
If nothing further happens, than this will be just my way of saying "thank you for your service"
+++ Nominee for a Promotion to Second Lieutenant +++
kowdar - for the conversion of a truckload of PeG campaigns to OG. For the maintainance of opengeneral.pl.
Duke Falcon - for the creation of his OG fantasy universe which contains efiles, campaigns, icons and maps.
Waldzios - for his work on the Gustlik Efiles.
+++ Nominee for a Promotion to First Lieutenant +++
Parabellum - for is continuous efforts on the battlefields of many CCs and his liason duties at raiders forum.
+++ Nominee for a Promotion to Captain +++
sympatyk - for making more than 100 maps as well as around 20 XXL maps. And for his liason duties with opengeneral.pl.
+++ Nominee for a Promotion to Major +++
Urica - for making more than 110 maps and the creation of many high quality campaigns for the KAISER Efile.
Puma - for his work on his Basekorp efile and campaigns.
+++ Honorable mention, nominee as officer cadet +++
Major Heinz will be given the (unofficial and not existing in this forum ) status as a officer cadet (estonian: Kadet) for designing two OG campaigns and his efforts on the battlefields of his Open General Youtube Let's Plays. We will follow his future career with goodwill