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Introducing myself

Posted: 2024-12-21 22:39, Saturday
by Milanor
Hey all, I'm Milanor here and I've been a fan of PG2 for a long time and still play it time to time, however, a lot of the older sites that have lots of information about how to make custom things, such as sound (MEL format), movies (SMK format), music (MUS format), are really hard to find. I've just joined this forum today since I wasn't sure where else to turn to and it seems like an fairly active community here.

While I know most people are now using Open General, I've made the decision to stick with the old vanilla PG2 platform and decided to build from there (even though there are limitations) mainly for nostalgic purposes and such. While Open General is much more modern and has many more tools and allows one to be able to even more things than the old vanilla PG2, it doesn't feel the same as the old game. Therefore, I'm working towards learning as much as I can with the older tools (thanks Luis as well as others for providing the PG2 tools and such) so I can make my own customization of the vanilla game as a personal project and for a hobby.

What I managed to do so far:
With all that said, I've managed to get music to play in various scenarios (only did the Blitzkrieg campaign), got the sound to work albeit clunky and not always consistent (the .MEL file plays fine when I tested in SuitePG2 but in game sometimes the sound just isn't there). Additionally, I managed to create a somewhat alternative campaign using original SSI campaigns where one plays ALL the missions. While I know it is really ideal nor historically accurate, I think it may be kind of cool to be able to utilize one's core army significantly throughout the entire campaign and play just about every mission regardless of route splits between BV, V, or TV.

Work in progress:
I still have yet to figure out how to edit .SHP files and be able to customize the interfaces such as the dossier, the unit interface (if it has a leader), and even the main menu (after loading up the game). I recently only managed to get RAD Tool to convert an .AVI file into an .SMK file, but sadly, when I put it in the SMACK folder in the vanilla PG2 directory, the game just doesn't play it. I am thinking that SSI must have hard-coded some things including the audio during cutscenes so I am ending up having to make my custom SMK with custom audio that will play when starting a campaign or scenario, or even the intro when loading up the game.

If anyone has advice or is able to help me even though I know most of you here may be more focused on the modern, Open General platform, I would appreciate it.


Re: Introducing myself

Posted: 2024-12-24 12:18, Tuesday
by sympatyk
Hello Milanor

I don't know if I understand correctly - your PG2 installation is a "clean" installation (as it was released), or is it already "updated"?

Today is not the time to discuss, but do you know what the capabilities of the OG engine are? --> you can play old PG2 campaigns --> most CCs (campaigns and efils made on PG2) have been adapted this way -->
Without converting maps, music, sounds, smack

If you need specific files - .shp, .map, .txt, .mel, .smack --> write which ones

Re: Introducing myself

Posted: 2024-12-24 22:08, Tuesday
by Milanor
I think it was updated somehow, and I also used PG3D250 (I think it's v2.5 and the German version as PG2 is referred to as PG3D) as the executable file. Perhaps my project and goals may not be feasible or possible under the old original engine that SSI has in the vanilla PG2 game? I think I'm running into issues with getting .SMK (animation) files to play during each scenario or something (not even playing at all despite it working well).

To answer the other question, I do believe I have all the original SSI files, .shp, .map, .txt, .mel, .smk, etc. and I only tinkered around with the original files (by replacing them with custom made ones) just to see if it plays or works. Sometimes it works (especially the SFX), but the animation still doesn't despite the fact that the .SMK file seems to play fine in the Smacker Playback player. I've run more tests and it seems like custom SFX does play, albeit sometimes it just doesn't sound at all despite the sound tool in SuitePG2 playing the sound FX just fine. (It's a hit or miss).

I will consider the possibility of migrating to OG engine to do my project and modifications of the game while still keeping things more/less same - as close as I can to the original PG2 in terms of mechanics, gameplay, the feel and atmosphere (along with some of my personal modifications for fun), if I could get as close to the vanilla as possible in terms of function, interface, and many things. I'm looking at interfaces, portraits of the dossier, the movement of the troops and such too.

Re: Introducing myself

Posted: 2024-12-25 11:00, Wednesday
by sympatyk
I don't know the German PG3D250 edition and I don't know what the Vanilla PG2 edition is...
However, I know that these were editions for the Win 98 system --> so everything will probably work under that system
Already in the Win XP system there were problems with playing .smk files --> driver issue
The best option for you (I think) --> migration to the OG engine

Re: Introducing myself

Posted: 2024-12-25 15:10, Wednesday
by Parabellum
PG3D was released a very long time ago and I'm pretty sure that the version 2.5 you are using is not the latest one. I recommend you take a look here: ... tches.html
2018 there was a release to version 3.02.
For an old PG3D feel, I also recommend the RSF file as an extension to the standard SSI equipment. It is available in version 3.7 and offers more gaming fun (including the campaigns available for it). But this is still a long way from Open General ...

Re: Introducing myself

Posted: 2025-01-01 16:45, Wednesday
by Milanor
Sorry it has been a while and also, Happy New Year to everyone here! :celebrate

As far as downloading the most recent version of PG2, I still had the same issues as before and part of me thinks, perhaps it is better that I migrate over to the Open General platform and then try to make my own edits and changes, both to sound effects, custom music, animations, and other things. Perhaps interfaces and stuff may be easier to edit and change on there, but then of course, it wouldn't be the same as vanilla PG2, such as the units don't move like old SSI platform or such, after the scenario a brilliant victory cutscene, the ending cutscene (last mission in a campaign), etc.

I'll probably study the OG platform in more depth though and try to see if I can make it as close to vanilla PG2 in terms of gameplay, functionality, and all the bells and whistles of the SSI platform. I know it won't be exactly 1 to 1 or even perfect, but maybe even "better" in some cases. Nevertheless, thank you both for giving advice and suggestions on what I could do.